Which brings me to another subject. Roleplaying.
Yes, I, Eus, The Suicidal Healer, have been bitten by the RP bug. I gotta say, it is both interesting and amusing. You see, my tale starts way back in February of this year. I found this thread on the general forums, originally called, A Gentleman Thread. Now, it started out as a complete joke, but it caught on like a wildfire.
It became popular enough, that my very own mage, Hyades of Daggerspine had to enter. She became a hit and the rest was history. Then, the title was changed to A Gentleman and Lady Thread, to show the oncoming of females entering the thread. It grew so popular, that two weeks later, it was promptly moved to the World's End Tavern, the RP forums.
On top of that, Blizz changed how posts were laid out. So, all posts have a maximum of 26 pages. Needless to say, our thread took over. Literally. The original posting was 1026 pages long, with 140 more threads, each 26 pages. That's a lot of stuff. On top of that, we had to find a server so that we could all be together in one central location, so Moon Guarde Horde was the choice, creating the guild Manor of Bones and a website to boot.
And, as anything else, you get to meet new people along the way. I've had a great time so far, and yes, there have ups and downs the last two months, but I think much understanding has come to pass. So, if you are ever on Moon Guard, look for a mage named Sedayh. That'll be me. Along with my other alts....and YES, I still suffer from altitus. That will never change about me!

With that in mind, here we are, almost a year into Cataclysm and I contribute to MAS's website, being the RP moderator on that forum. I still post on the Manor's website. Lead two nights of raiding for old school stuff for MAS. Work and family. Uber excited about new expansion. Only thing that weirds me out...no combat weapons for hunters. No more Lovkinja looking sexy dual wielding axes...but again, overall, looking good. Yes, again, I am a busy lady. But, nobody can deny that I don't try.